This page introduces just a few of the extremely rare plants that grow in the Ibuki Mountains, for people who love mountains, plants, and Mt. Ibuki.These extremely rare plants are rare to come across, no matter which route you take to climb the mountain, even if you separate the grass roots.But maybe you've already met them.However, there is something important in order to meet these super rares.The key is to maintain knowledge about the shapes and characteristics of the beloved plants you are looking for on a daily basis.Otherwise, even if it blooms right in front of you, you won't be able to tell even if it shines brightly.If you don't have the passion to know everything about plants, you won't be able to experience the joy of encounters and the excitement of discoveries.If you don't have the passion to know everything about you, you won't be able to experience the joy of meeting someone or the excitement of discovery. The plants introduced here are important plants of the Ibuki Mountains, whose populations have decreased significantly in recent years or whose habitats can no longer be confirmed.In other words, we will focus on plants that are on the verge of extinction. Although it is not possible to cover much on paper, in 2020, the Ministry of the Environment placed it in the red data category, and in the same year, Shiga Prefecture also announced the same category, and in 2017, Gifu Prefecture revised and announced the highest category. In other words, it is a [documentary photo of plants recognized as red data].I also wrote about my own experience when I encountered it in [Ibukiyama Super Rare Chats], and explored the current state of its growth and the factors that are thought to have made it extremely rare. The author hopes that this page will help readers discover individual species and new habitats during their future mountain walks, and that they will become interested in the environmental conservation and biodiversity of plants that they want to preserve for the future. |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
イナベアザミ |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
伊吹山の激レア植物たちTOPへ |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
イブキレイジンソウ |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
チチブリンドウ |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
伊吹山の激レア植物たちTOPへ |
ヒナノキンチャク |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
花 期 | 8中旬〜9月 |
既知の個体群は,登山道脇にあり, 地盤の乾燥化等により土砂流失が起きている |
高 さ | 7〜15cm / 生活型 1年草 | |
生育地 | 石灰岩山地の草地.花崗岩地でも確認. | |
分 布 | 本州(福島県以西),四国,九州 | |
形態の特徴 茎は基部で分枝し,隆起線があり,全体無毛.葉は互生,葉身は卵円形〜楕円形,長さ1〜3cm.先は尖るか円いものまで色々あり,基部は急に狭まり葉柄に沿下し,鋸歯はなく縁に毛がある.葉柄は長さ2〜8mm.花は茎頂や枝先に総状花序にとなり,長さ約2mmの小さな多数つけ,花序柄を入れると長さ約8cmになる.花弁は3個,淡紅紫色,基部側の2/3は合着し,下の1個の竜骨弁は先が袋状で円く,黄味をおびる.萼は5個で緑色,3個は小型で卵形,長さ約1mm,花後脱落し,2個の側萼片は狭倒卵形〜へら形で花弁状,長さ約2mm.子房は円形,径約1mm以下.花柱の先端はロート形で裂片がある.果実(?|果)は普通片側につき,扁平な円形で,長さ2〜3mm,伏した軟毛が疎らにあり,翼は幅0.2〜0.5mm.種子は楕円形で黒色,長さ約1mm,表面に微毛があり,先端に小型の仮種皮がある. 伊吹山の激レア雑譚 “ヒナノキンチャク” |
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui
Copyright(c) of Ansho Tsutsui